Camper applications have been rolling in here at GRC and we cannot be more excited about what we are seeing! We are counting down the days until all our campers meet and form their bands for the very first time.
One of the most important parts of camp is not only music instruction, but our educational workshops. Our super cool workshops are held in 45 minutes sessions twice a day during camp. Our workshops focus on many areas of arts education, female empowerment, and what it takes to be in a band. These workshops are each proposed by women in our community who are willing to volunteer their time and energy for our camps and have years of experience working in these areas. Instructors are welcome to stay for lunch with campers and watch the rocking bands who play each day before the workshops start!
This year we will have a total of 8 workshops, and while the proposals have started rolling in, we need more! Do you have a great idea for camp? Send us a proposal for a workshop by using our form here.
Last year’s workshops included stage presence, self defense, vocal instruction, women in history, screen printing, zine making, dance, and rock photography. Think of a proposal that fits into one of these areas or think of a totally new area to teach our young campers
! We can’t wait to see what you all have to come up with. If you have any questions, send us a shout our way at